Changes to Tax disc laws
As of 1st October 2014, it will no longer be a legal requirement to display a paper tax disc. Over the years, with advances in technology there is no longer a need to have a paper system to how record of who has paid their road tax. Instead, an electronic system will keep a log of who has paid and can be checked by number-plate recognition cameras. Here we summarise the main points you need to know:
1. It will still be a requirement to pay road tax – you just wont receive a paper tax disc. You will still receive a renewal reminder (V11) in the post.
2. The cost of vehicle road tax will still follow the same graded system as before. The rate of vehicle tax for cars is based on engine size or on fuel type and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, depending on when the car was registered. A full list of the different tax bands and associated costs can be found here.
3. New vehicles, registered before the end of this month will still receive a paper tax disc, but after 1st October, they won’t need to display it.
4. You can still pay Vehicle Excise Duty (otherwise known as Road Tax) at the Post Office, or you can pay by direct debit or via the phone through the new Government Online Vehicle Tax website
5. In order to renew your tax on the Government website you will need either the 16 digit reference number from your tax disc renewal letter (V11) or the 11 digit reference number from your log book (V5C).
6. To pay in the Post Office you will need the V11 reminder (or your V5C) and a valid MOT test certificate.
7. Vehicle tax will no longer be transferred with the car.
8. If you are privately selling a vehicle, you must inform the DVLA of a change of ownership, otherwise you could face a possible £1,000 fine. This can be done by filling out a V5C form and sending it to the DVLA. You will then get an automatic refund for any full calendar months left on the vehicle tax.
9. New owners will therefore no longer benefit if there are months left on the tax disc. This means buyers will have to renew their tax disc straight away, or risk being caught out on the road in an untaxed car.
10. Tax validity of any vehicle can be checked using DVLA’s Online Vehicle Enquiry System.
The paper element of the driving licence, which accompanies the credit card size photo-card, is also due to be axed in January 2015.
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